Red Hill Australian Whites

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10th Annual On Property Australian White Ram Sale Video


Red Hill Australian

White Stud

“When Quality Matters”

Describing themselves as the quiet achievers in the Australian White breed, Robert and Leanne Endacott commenced their journey with the Australian White in 2011, founding Red Hill Australian White Stud. Robert and Leanne have both come from a strong, passionate background in sheep and goat production, growing super fine wool, successfully breeding and exporting Boer goats to China and operating their White Dorper stud along with their commercial, self-replacing flock of White Dorper ewes.

Excited about the prospect of being part of a new, dynamic, Australian sheep breed, Robert and Leanne purchased recipient ewes, implanted with Australian white embryo’s in 2011 and from there commenced consecutive embryo programs over four years, leading to increased stock numbers and to date Red Hill Stud boast a substantial flock of six hundred quality true to type breeding stud ewes, stud sires and commercial rams.

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Red Hill have conducted successful on property sales each year and will again hold their sale on Thursday, 20 February 2025 offering 60 Quality Flock Rams.

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